Schools wishing to purchase books through the School Library Service – either through the bookshop in Winchester or via the Petranet online service – are still able to do so after migration to the IBC. Although a strict 'No purchase order, no pay' rule applies to orders raised through the estore, an exception has been agreed for the SLS bookshop service.
The system will work as follows:
- The school places an online order through Petranet ( or at the SLS bookshop. There is no need for a purchase order at this stage.
- The SLS book supplier (Peters) sends the invoice to the school with the books. The invoice is not sent to the processing centre.
- On receipt of the invoice, the school raises a 'retrospective' purchase order. Peters will ignore this, as the books have already been supplied.
- The school writes the PO number on the invoice and sends it to the processing centre where it will be paid.
- Books are usually supplied in two 'batches' – a week or so apart. The school will need to raise a separate purchase order for each of the two invoices.
Please do continue to make use of the SLS book purchasing service. The bookshop in Winchester houses the most comprehensive selection of children's resources in the area, with over 13,000 books for all ages and abilities.
The online bookshop provides access to lists of recommended resources to support the new curriculum and to encourage reading for pleasure at all levels. Both offer quality resources with a competitive 22% discount.
To book a visit to the bookshop or to request a password for the online service, phone 01962 826660.