Hampshire School Library Service

The School Library Service’s vision is to support schools to have vibrant school libraries that play a central role in helping children and young people gain the knowledge, skills and attributes needed for learning, life and work. We support school libraries through the provision of resources and advice to foster well-being and achievement across the school community for each individual.

SLS Logo

For subscribing schools, SLS can:

  • Be key in providing resources for schools to supplement limited school budgets for resource purchasing.
  • Support the curriculum with high-quality current titles that assist in curriculum planning and design.
  • Provide access to a wider and changing range of fiction and non-fiction titles for pupils beyond what can be purchased within the school budget, that are inclusive and diverse.
  • Support reading for pleasure in school through the provision of physical and digital stock, reading challenges and author events.
  • Help develop school staff as readers with awareness of the best of contemporary children’s titles, enabling modelling of positive behaviours around reading for pleasure and literacy.
  • Advise on the effective and impactful running of the school library, assisting in design, stock audits and class book corner support.
  • Provide CPD for all staff involved in the running and delivery of the school library.

If you do not currently subscribe to SLS and are in Hampshire or the surrounding area, click here to enquire and arrange an initial consultation.

View the Hampshire SLS Privacy Policy here

Service Level Agreements

Find our complete 2024-25 SLAs, including academies and schools beyond Hampshire, below.

2023 in Review

A brief overview of what has been another busy year. We have chosen a few highlights and new developments to share that you may not yet be taking advantage of. Please contact your local SLS Centre if you have any questions about the content of this Briefing or any part of our service.

Stock Policy

As a business, the needs of our customers are at the forefront of Hampshire School Library Service (SLS) stock policy. Our ambition is to have a dynamic approach to stock selection and stock purchase that is reflective of current educational practices, supportive of reading for pleasure and is both inclusive and responsive.