SLS News and Announcements

New eBook Titles from January

New eBook Titles from January

by Hampshire School Library Service - (SLS HQ) -
Number of replies: 0

ePlatform Logo

We have added more new titles to our ePlatform central hub, logon to your Schools ePlatform spoke to browse the latest new titles. To browse a full list of our titles please click here

We have updated our ePlatform Moodle section to contain the latest additions on our ePlaftorm central hub.

Our monthly posters show the most popular new titles added in January click for the Primary Poster or for the Secondary Poster

If your school is yet to set up your free ePlatform spoke or you are not using eBooks or eAudio in school, please visit our ePlatform Moodle section to find out how the ePlaform can be used in your school.  We will be announcing more launch dates for April and May 2019 in the next couple of weeks, so please book on.

If you require support please contact SLS Digital  or call 01962 826663

(Edited by Andy J Macfarlane - original submission Monday, 4 February 2019, 5:37 PM)