Upcoming Webinars

Secondary Seminar Follow-up and Next Steps

25 February 2025, 1 - 1:30 pm

Join this webinar for a summary of the speakers and further discussion of the SLS Secondary Seminar held on 22 January 2025.

SEN Support and Resources with SLS

5 March 2025, 3:30 - 4 pm

This webinar will highlight the resources available to Special Schools and SEN specialists. It will also include a presentation from Emma at Every Cherry, publishers of a new accessible series of books..

ELSA for Primary

27 March 2025, 12 - 12:30 pm

An opportunity for school staff with ELSA responsibility to discover some new texts that are suitable for the work they do in schools. We will be introducing a variety of books that have been published over the last year as well as introducing our latest ELSA booklist

Classification Made Easy

29 April 2025, 3:30 - 4 pm

School libraries will use the Dewey Decimal Classification System to organise non-fiction books in their library. But how do you know what number to attach to each book? Join the SLS Stock & Systems Librarian for a simplified approach to classification and discover the tools SLS provides its subscribing schools to make classification easy!

Library Design

17 June 2025, 2:00 - 2:30 pm

What makes a good school library? The design and layout of the space needs to be considered and well planned for the library to meet the needs of all the users. Whether you are planning a library re-design, a full refurb or moving the library to a new space, this Webinar will provide some do's and don'ts to think about before you begin the process.