HBA LogoHampshire Book Awards

This page provides links to the completed Hampshire SLS Book Awards. This information can be used to shadow the awards in subsequent years or, as a teacher or a librarian in Hampshire, you want some ideas for promoting reading in school. Participating schools will receive support materials by email only as the event begins. Support materials for the current year's awards will become available here only after its conclusion.

The Great HIBA Showdown

Celebrate great books this World Book Day with your own KS2 School Book Award. This World Book Day / Book Week we are suggesting you use some fantastic titles previously nominated for HIBA to create your own school book award and create a buzz about reading. More information about the scheme, the books and downloadable resources are available now.
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Hampshire Book Award

The Hampshire Book Award runs annually, spanning the Spring and Summer terms. Year 8 students read six books and discuss them with other schools before voting for their winner. Registration in Spring.

Hampshire Picture Book Award

The Hampshire Picture Book Award runs in the Spring term and introduces new picture books to Year 1 pupils, extending their experience and developing a love of books. Registration in Autumn.
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Hampshire Information Book Award

The Hampshire Information Book Award is open to Year 4 pupils and runs in the Spring Term. The aim of this Award is to help pupils develop an interest and appreciation for non-fiction books. Registration in Autumn.

Hampshire Illustrated Book Award

The Hampshire Illustrated Book Award is an annual award aimed at Year 5 pupils. It runs annually during the Autumn Term and explores picture books for older readers. Registration in late Spring.