SLS Bookmark

Welcome to SLS Bookmark, a set of curated articles written by our Advisory team. These articles have been written to support and inspire your work to nurture reading and literacy in your school. We hope that you enjoy them and welcome feedback, including topics that you may wish to see covered.
Social Media Bookmarks 2024

How to Utilise Social Media in Your School Library

School librarians can leverage social media to connect with their student borrowers, authors, and colleagues. They can recommend books, share best practices, and seek advice.

End of Year Bookmark

Clearing the decks: end of year routines for the school library

The end of the school year is around the corner, so what library housekeeping should you make sure to complete before heading off on holiday?

Stock Selection Bookmarks 2024

Selecting Stock for Your School Library

Stock selection is more than just placing any book onto library shelves for pupils to choose from, but about stocking the right books that pupils want to read.

Book Corner Bookmarks 2024

Making the most of your classroom book corner

Top tips for creating a vibrant book corner that encourages reading for pleasure.

Secondary Maths Bookmarks 2024

Teaching mathematical concepts through picture books

Using picture books as part of maths learning can be a powerful pedagogical tool, supporting a child’s learning of mathematical concepts and enhancing their learning in a meaningful way.

Book Exchange

Making the Most of your Book Exchange

SLS stock exchanges are essential to keeping your book stock fresh and vibrant, but does your school make the most of its book exchanges?

Transition Bookmarks 2024

Maintaining the Reading Habit over the Summer Holidays

SLS has several initiatives that can help prevent the traditional dip in children’s reading. Read on to find out more about our recommended titles for Transition years.

Peer Recommendations

The Power of Peer Recommendations

Here are some top tips to encourage a culture of peer recommendations in your school.

Book Talk

The Importance of Book Talk

Book Talk, Book Blether, Book Chat – book-related discussion can go by many names but what exactly is it and, with time so tight in schools, why squeeze it in?

SLS Bookmark Science

Engaging with Science Subjects in Secondary Schools

This article will give secondary schools a range of ideas and activities to promote science subjects in the school library with practical approaches to engaging students and departments.


How SLS can support SMSC in the classroom

School librarians form an essential bridge when weaving aspects of SMSC into the classroom. A wealth of resources from SLS are available to enhance pupils learning of the wider world.

Teen and Teen+

Distinguishing Between Books for Younger and Older Teens

In a school library, it is the librarian’s responsibility to balance the desire to provide all students with free choice with safeguarding younger readers from more mature content.

You can find our older articles in the list below