SLS Bookmark

Welcome to SLS Bookmark, a set of curated articles written by our Advisory team. These articles have been written to support and inspire your work to nurture reading and literacy in your school. We hope that you enjoy them and welcome feedback, including topics that you may wish to see covered.

The Importance of Non-Fiction in Your School Library

Though updating Non-Fiction collections in schools can be challenging, they remain crucial for literacy, comprehension, and reading for pleasure.

How to Choose a Fiction Book

Choosing your own book to read is a powerful thing for young readers and there are many ways we can support them to find those that appeal and sustain their reading habit.

The Value of Novels in Verse

Verse novels are becoming increasingly popular. Is this just a fad or does fiction written in poetry really have a place in a young person’s reading journey?

How to use Film Award Season to encourage reluctant readers

Film Award Season is coming up, but how can you utilise it to encourage reading for pleasure in your libraries?

Supporting SEND Pupils with SLS Resources

Discover the types of books and resources SLS has to support each individual and their special educational needs, and how you can borrow them.

How to Run a Successful Library Without an LMS

If you don’t have a LMS then read on to find out how to run your library with a paper-based system whilst ensuring pupils still have access to books.

Fake News Bookmark

Teachers are Readers, too

Finding time to read children’s books in a busy teaching calendar can be challenging. This article aims to provide some ways to increase book knowledge with minimal impact on workload.

Shelving by Genre

Shelving by Genre – What to consider

Some pros, cons, and considerations on whether school libraries should shelve their fiction titles by genre or leave them in the traditional A-Z manner.

Fake News Bookmark

Talking to Young People About the News

With elections, tragedies and riots this year, never has it been more important to ensure access to reliable news sources for the critical understanding of contemporary life.

End of Year Bookmark

EYFS – The Smartest Class in Town!

EYFS is a unique environment in school and the gateway to a child’s education. How can the SLS support you in building a love of reading and books?

Social Media Bookmarks 2024

How to Utilise Social Media in Your School Library

School librarians can leverage social media to connect with their student borrowers, authors, and colleagues. They can recommend books, share best practices, and seek advice.

End of Year Bookmark

Clearing the decks: end of year routines for the school library

The end of the school year is around the corner, so what library housekeeping should you make sure to complete before heading off on holiday?

You can find our older articles in the list below