
Use the SLS Webinars page to keep yourself up to date with the latest developments in libraries and books. There are a variety of topics covered within our Webinars, all designed as a tool for CPD. Watch them whenever you want; use them for staff meetings or Inset days, as well as individual training. The majority of these webinars are 20-30 minutes long and new topics will appear at regular intervals.

ELSA for Primary
27 March 2025, 12 - 12:30 pm

Check out our upcoming webinars for the 2024-25 academic year and sign-up for any live sessions you wish to attend.

Recorded Webinars

SEN Support and Resources with SLS

This webinar will highlight the resources available to Special Schools and SEN specialists. It also includes a presentation from Emma at Every Cherry.

Secondary Seminar Follow-up and Next Steps

A summary of the speakers and further discussion of the SLS Secondary Seminar held on 22 January 2025.

Help! How do I run a school library?

This webinar covers the basics of running a school library and includes library arrangement, where to find things, different types of books, routine tasks and other questions that are often asked. This webinar would be useful for a new school librarian or someone just wanting to remind themselves of the basics.

Secondary ELSA

This is an opportunity for staff working in secondary schools to be introduced to some new resources covering ELSA and pastoral issues.

Curating for Clarity: Ensuring Age-appropriate Book Stock in Secondary School Libraries

Follow up to the 2024 SLS Secondary Seminar on censorship and challenges, join this webinar to discover strategies for selecting exciting and diverse stock to create balanced collections, whilst supporting diversity and inclusion needs alongside safeguarding responsibilities.

Bump into a book in the EYFS classroom

Discover how the SLS can support you in creating a book friendly classroom supporting a reading for pleasure culture.


Find out the qualities needed to be a good advocate for your school library, champion the work that you do and the impact the library has on the students and staff in the school.

Stock Management

Aimed at library staff, this webinar will provide information on carrying out an annual review of your library provision, looking specifically at the resources held and will guide you through carrying out a stock check and completing a stock analysis of all library resources.

Preparing for Ofsted

This short video will provide some ideas on how the school library can be ready to report into Ofsted during a school inspection and what role the library can play in helping schools meet the requirements in the Ofsted framework.

End of Year Reports

How to get started when writing an end of year report for the Senior Leadership Team or Governors. This webinar will give you hints and tips on what to include to help with advocacy, future planning for reading in the library and new library initiatives.

Data Reporting and Your School LMS

Join SLS's Stock and Systems Librarian to discuss data reporting in Library Management Systems (LMS). Explore LMS data types and optimal reports for analysing usage. Regardless of your school's LMS, this evaluation data can be utilised to advocate for your library.

Gathering Evidence: A Library Investigation

This webinar will demonstrate how the SLS can help schools provide evidence about the library, book corners and other areas connected with reading for pleasure, so that future planning can be based on evidence and heresay.

Whole School Reading Culture

Is reading part of everything that your school does? Wanting to create a whole school reading culture? Join Lead Adviser Emma Keeler for ideas on how to make sure that reading is embedded throughout the school and is not just an add on activity.

SLS Launches 2024 Primary ELSA Booklist

The launch of the annual Primary ELSA booklist. The webinar will showcase some of the amazing books from the list and also remind staff how to access the range of resources and SLS services available. Perfect for all Primary ELSAs.

Making the Most of British Science Week in Schools

Aimed at Teachers and Library Staff with the aim of providing ideas to use during British Science Week 2024 to inspire young people into Science and Engineering. This year's theme is 'Time' so whether it's looking at discoveries in science, technology, engineering and maths, British Science Week offers opportunities for schools to dive into STEM activities, events, competitions and new discoveries to help raise the interest of science across the whole school community.

What do I prioritise in my library?

Never have enough time to do all that you want to in the library? Not enough hours to do everything. This webinar looks at how you can prioritise what really needs to be done in the time you have available. As well as looking at how you can decide what the most important tasks are, it also gives some quick ways to reduce everyday tasks.

Secondary ELSA Webinar

This webinar will allow secondary school staff to see what new material is available to support ELSA work in school. School Library Service staff will present titles that have been published within the last year to include both fiction and non-fiction books. It is designed to update school staff who may not have the opportunity to see what new books are available.

Measuring the Effectiveness of your library outside of your LMS

We all know that your library does far more than is recorded on your Library Management System, but how do we measure how effective your library is beyond the data? Join Lead Adviser Emma Ostler as she suggests other methods of providing evidence to your Senior Leadership Team and beyond. This webinar is aimed at those running a school library.

Unpicking the New DfE Reading Framework (Autumn 2023)

The Autumn 2023 webinar provides a whistle stop tour of the DfE new reading framework. Delving into various aspects of the report to unpick how school library staff, teachers and the SLT can manage reading across the curriculum. We outline how the SLS can support schools to meet the key objectives set out in the new reading framework document and highlight areas covering how to get children reading for pleasure.

Role of the Book Corner

In this 30-minute webinar, discover effective strategies for maximizing classroom space to create engaging book corners. Packed with ideas, advice, and best practices, this session will equip you with the tools to foster children's love for reading through captivating classroom book displays. Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your classroom environment and inspire young readers.

Helping Children Develop a Love of Reading

Make use of the presentation video and accompanying document during parent and carer meetings or share them by downloading for easy distribution. This concise webinar offers valuable top tips for reading with children, empowering parents and carers to actively engage in promoting reading for pleasure at home. Enhance family involvement in children's reading development with these accessible resources.
Non Fiction Word Cloud

Helping Children Choose Books (Summer 2023)

In the Summer Term Webinar for the SLS termly Teach Meets, we look at aspects of access to the school library, including the library environment, displays, and how pupils choose their library book. We discuss ideas and advice on how to help children choose books they will enjoy ensuring they keep going back for more.

Non Fiction Word Cloud

World Book Day and Beyond (Spring 2023)

In this webinar as part of our termly Teach Meet series, we discuss the ways SLS can support school librarians in building staff enthusiasm and knowledge in order to create an environment which celebrates reading throughout the school, all year round.

Non Fiction Word Cloud

Supporting Disadvantaged Pupils in the School Library (Autumn 2022)

The Autumn Teach Meet webinar looks at how the library in a school can support disadvantaged pupils. As well as understanding who these children are in your school and some of the barriers they face, the webinar covers practical ideas about things that you can do to make sure that your library is including and supporting disadvantaged pupils.