We are still having some problems answering calls with our new corporate telephony system, so please bear with us whilst we work out these issues. Whenever possible, please email your local base or HQ in the first instance and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
The email addresses are as follows:
Headquarters - hq.sls@hants.gov.uk
Digital - digi.sls@hants.gov.uk
South and East Schools (Based at Fareham) - ses.sls@hants.gov.uk
South West Schools (Based at Calmore Junior School) - sws.sls@hants.gov.uk
North Schools (Based at South Ham Library) - nos.sls@hants.gov.uk
North East Schools (Based at Farnborough Library) - nes.sls@hants.gov.uk
Apologies for any inconvenience.