The Reading Agency has launched the Reading Well for children booklist to support children's mental health and well-being. The Reading Well for children booklist has been created in response to concerning data about children's mental health in the UK. The list covers areas such as anxiety, bereavement and bullying with books by Michael Rosen, Tom Percival, Zanib Mian and Joseph Coelho selected by leading mental health experts to support the mental health and well-being of children. The booklist is aimed at KS2 children and their parents.
The Hampshire
Public Library Service in conjunction with the School Library Service have just
updated their booklist When a book might help…
Sharing stories about various situations can put a child’s mind at ease and make transitions and new experiences easier to cope with and more understandable. When a book might help is a list of story books suitable for this purpose.
The SLS have booklists to support children’s mental health - ELSA 2020 and Mental Health and Well-being 2019.
These can be found on the School Library Service Moodle