We hope you had a relaxing Summer, there are several pieces of information we wanted to update you on.
MLS has rebranded -
As you are probably aware, MLS is now part of Capita, over the past few weeks they have rebranded to become Capita Reading Cloud.
You should receive communication from them regarding this and they should also be contacting you regarding setting up access to your Capita Customer Service Portal, which replaces the My MLS area. Full details of the products can be found here https://www.capita-readingcloud.co.uk/
Student Import Guidance -
If you are using a Capita ReadingCloud (MLS) product, the September Import process is the same as last year, we have guidance available on the Moodle here. And the Student Import Wizard is still available here. The Helpdesk are still available on 0161 449 9357 or support.mls@capita.co.uk
If you are using Libresoft Librarian, there is an in built SMaRT guide on the 'Add/Manager Users' page, which takes you through the process step by step and there is further guidance available in their Help section.
Junior Librarian.Net & Reading Cloud Training
Our first Training of the year is Wednesday 19th September, details of this and our other training can be found here, and bookings can be made through the Learning Zone here.
If you need any help or advice please do not hesitate to contact us.
(Edited by Katie Thackray - original submission Wednesday, 5 September 2018, 3:30 PM)