*Only a few days left to register!
Schools subscribing to Hampshire School Library Service are invited to participate in the Hampshire Picture Book Award 2017.
The Award, now in its eighth year, is for Year 1 pupils. It is designed to allow pupils of all abilities to access inspirational and imaginative illustrated books, and to decide the winner themselves. It provides children with a unique opportunity to be involved in a major county literary event and also gives them a real chance to enthuse about reading.
There is a charge of £80 to take part in the event. If you have more than 30 pupils taking part you may wish to consider purchasing additional sets. These can be ordered at a discount. There is a small school rate for schools with fifteen pupils or fewer in year 1. Qualifying schools can request a small school application form from us.
To find our more or to register your school to participate, please see our Promoting Reading/Hampshire Book Awards pages. Completed forms must be returned by Friday 14
October 2016.